Once the penny dropped and I realised that "Its just not true", I kept repeating that and sat like a zombie for a while . But from that moment I have never doubted my rejection of the J W faith . Which is something that I could not say about the beliefs when I was in it
Well, I won't admit that I sat around like a zombie for awhile (I really didn't), but as soon as one card fell for me, the whole house fell-mainly because their entire premise is based on one true religion, and how they were convinced all other religions were false, on the basis of being able to show one thing was false (like when Jesus birthday is....) But, Blues Brother said it perfectly, "But from that moment I have never doubted ny rejection of the JW faith." Indeed my conviction that it is 100% wrong is stronger than any faith I ever had that a portion of it was correct. By the way, other people who have exited high control groups say the exact same thing, what if they are right. I posted a story about that here. http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/6/94137/1596250/post.ashx#1596250 Shoshana